The World According to Ashton

Friday, September 18, 2009

Title: People Running Away from Lions

There was once a little person who was named Eric. He was 15 years old. He could have a car. He had a dad named Caleb. They were going on an adventure. Eric was scared when they were there. He was scared because they were right by bushes. They heard a roar. His dad said, "That might be a lion." It was. There were three lions that were chasing after them. They were scared and so they jumped in the car and tried to go away. But they couldn't because the lions were too fast. They saw a person who was dead in the ground. They buried him up. They digged and they saw bones. They got one of the bones whacked the lions in the head and said, "Help" and an Indian came and shot the three lions in the heart and they died. They went back home. Eric was really scared. He did not want to go there ever again. Then they went to a desert. He wasn't happy at all. They were walking a long time and got hungry and sweaty and almost got old. They were really sick. So, they had to get in their car really fast and never went there ever again.

Then, they lived happily ever after back home. The End.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Once upon a time they were a grown up and his name was Charlie. He had three kids named Jacob, Solomon and Isaac. The dad said, "We're going on an adventure." Their adventure had hills, trees, rocks. They were going and they saw a mean alligator in a lake. It was very mean and had sharp teeth. It was very mean that it almost ate someone. There was a bridge that Mr. Charlie could go across. They had to go back home because it was too freaky and the kids almost cried. They went back home and they asked their mom if they could ride their bike and she said yes. They said, "Hurray!" One of the kids fell off their bike and they got hurt. The dad had to hold him. The three kids were only 4 and 3 and 6. After they grew up then they were 8 and 9 and 15. One could have a car but the other two couldn't because they were not 13. And the third one could watch PG 13 movies. They were very happy. They could have Mike and Mikes. They ate lunch. They ate some soup and one ate a sandwich. The others ate some spaghetti. After they got done with lunch, it was almost five o'clock. Their mom said, "you can go jump on the trampoline or ride your bike again." They said they wanted to jump on the bouncy trampoline. Then they had a farm. They were going to go feed the animals and the kids fed the pigs some vegetables. One kid hold a grape out and one pig came up to him and ate it off and it bited his hand. He said, "Ow!" He was very funny. They got the eggs from the chickens and they were making eggs. They were going in their house and playing upstairs. They had cool toys. One dressed up. They had one baby named Kaylyn. For lunch she ate carrots. She had to go to bed. The next morning they lived happily ever after. The End.