The World According to Ashton

Thursday, June 22, 2006

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Anson and Hayden have been saying, "Oh snap" a lot! However, when Ashton says it, it sounds like, "Oh Nap." We love it. We think "Oh Nap" is a much more accurate saying for a two year old who really loves his naps!

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Can you guess what Ashton is saying here?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Ashton sings "Twinkle Star."

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Ashton sings his ABC's.

Ashton is in love with letters. Really. Everywhere we go, if he sees writing of any kind he screams out, "Ma-ma, I see ABC's dare." Dare is baby Texan for the word, "there."


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Ashton says, "Cheeseburger." This is one of his favorite words!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Ashton's Dad Needs Counseling

June 14, 2006

This would ONLY happen to the Hendrick pool rats! Ashton pooped in the potty for the very first time at Thomas Park Pool!! It was so funny. I’ve been telling him not to poop in his swim diaper at the pool. If you have never gotten the opportunity to change a poopy swim diaper…how unfortunate for you! Your time will surely come!!

I could NOT believe that Ashton was even letting me put him on the potty. I had already declared in our home that the month of June was Ashton’s last month in diapers. However, Ashton did not seem ok with my decision. We’ve been asking him, in a very excited tone of voice, if he was going to start pooping in the potty like a big boy. He has always answered our excitement with an emphatic, unemotional, “Nope.” So, we knew this was going to be interesting!

Yesterday at the pool, after several times of simply running to the potty and sitting there, he finally went! I SCREAMED with excitement. Ashton was elated. He ran out of the bathroom screaming “I poop in the potty! I poop in the potty!” I was clapping, Ashton and Hayden went nuts with excitement…Danny started dancing, just cause he knew something wonderful was happening…everyone was laughing. The life guards hi-fived Ashton. It was a beautiful moment. However, I had nothing special to give Ashton. We’ve always told him that when he poops in the potty, mommy will make him a cake (he’s a huge fan of cake). We also told him we would sing a “Happy Poop in the Potty Day to You” song. However, we were at the pool. There was no cake. I had no candy. So, this WONDERFUL lady, very aware of what just happened, brought over a Kool Aid Capri-Sun for Ashton to drink. It was so great. He made his announcement to anyone who floated by him in the pool.

During nap time, I made his cake. He woke up and ate it for supper. We sang the song. It was a great day! Aaron went and bought him some new underwear. He’s already gone through 2 pair today…but that’s potty training!!!

My baby…in big boy underwear. How will I EVER quit having these wonderful, wonderful little people?