Title: People Running Away from Lions
There was once a little person who was named Eric. He was 15 years old. He could have a car. He had a dad named Caleb. They were going on an adventure. Eric was scared when they were there. He was scared because they were right by bushes. They heard a roar. His dad said, "That might be a lion." It was. There were three lions that were chasing after them. They were scared and so they jumped in the car and tried to go away. But they couldn't because the lions were too fast. They saw a person who was dead in the ground. They buried him up. They digged and they saw bones. They got one of the bones whacked the lions in the head and said, "Help" and an Indian came and shot the three lions in the heart and they died. They went back home. Eric was really scared. He did not want to go there ever again. Then they went to a desert. He wasn't happy at all. They were walking a long time and got hungry and sweaty and almost got old. They were really sick. So, they had to get in their car really fast and never went there ever again.
Then, they lived happily ever after back home. The End.