My baby is three.
It’s just wrong on so many levels.
It’s just wrong on so many levels.
We’re so bad and have let him keep his pacifier at night all this time. He’s just so cute…and did I mention, He’s our BABY?
Aaron decided that we should use this turning three business to our advantage. Let’s do away with the pacifier in the name of becoming a big boy.
Ashton hasn’t had his pacifier in three days. However, for those three days, it was his DADDY laying him down for a nap and for bedtime. Aaron let him choose two things to sleep with instead of a pacifier. He has usually chosen a fire truck and a Darth Vader Attacktic.
Today, Aaron was gone at nap time.
I walked in, aware of how this has been working and said, “What do you want to sleep with.”
Ashton looked at me and then said in his sweet little voice, “I want my pacie.”
It was all I could do to not just say, "OK!"
But, I tried to convince him that he’s a big boy…remember? Remember Ashton? Remember Heather?
I paraded many of his favorite toys in front of him trying to get him to want to sleep with them. After my toy show, he said, “Mama, I very want my pacie.”
I finally said, “But you’re a big boy. Big boys don’t use pacies.”
He looked at me and said, “I am big. But I’m little too. I want my pacie.”
It was so profound. Shouldn't he get a pacie for that?
I had to run out of the room and call in back up. I'm so weak. I was about to give in. I could feel it. One more wee tiny word from him, and he was going to be taking a pacie in ninth grade.
I ran for the phone and called Aaron.
Ashton is so cute. He’s always so polite about the things he’s asking for. His voice is so precious. I was about to cave in. He knows the powers he has over me. He knew Aaron was gone. He knows HE’S MY BABY.
Aaron answered the phone. I put Ashton on. Ashton said, “I want my pacie, Daddy.” Aaron talked and talked to him. He agreed to sleeping with a fire truck. All was well.
He woke up from his nap and wanted to play outside. After praising him forever, I sent him out the door to the back yard. He had to tee-tee once he got out there. He asked if he could tee-tee in the grass.
I have four boys. Of course he could tee-tee in the grass. This is one of the perks of having portable pee’ers.
I always put a diaper on him before nap time “just in case.” I looked outside. Ashton was standing there in his diaper, with his pants pulled down, but not making any effort to take off the diaper.
I stuck my head out and said, “Did you just tee-tee in your diaper?” He said he did. I said, “What? Big boys do not tee-tee in their diapers. Don’t do that, ok?”
He said, “Ok. I don’t have my pacie. I don’t wear diapers. I am VERY three, momma.”
He is VERY three.
How can this be?