This morning, I woke up to Aaron gasping and Ashton standing at the end of our bed. Ashton was covered in a dark brown substance. Since there is a stomach virus traveling through little bodies in our house at the moment, Aaron and I both assumed the dark brown substance was proof that the virus had made it's way through Ashton and onto his pajamas. What a way to wake up!
However, after further inspection, we found that what actually happened was Ashton woke up...walked through the living room (like usual) on his way to our bedroom to tell us good morning...and found something not usual sitting on the coffee table...an entire box of chocolates.
He helped himself.
Aaron got on to him for getting into the chocolates.
I hugged Ashton, extremely relieved that the substance on his shirt was chocolate instead of poo...I've never been more happy to clean Whitman's Sampler off a child!
However, after further inspection, we found that what actually happened was Ashton woke up...walked through the living room (like usual) on his way to our bedroom to tell us good morning...and found something not usual sitting on the coffee table...an entire box of chocolates.
He helped himself.
Aaron got on to him for getting into the chocolates.
I hugged Ashton, extremely relieved that the substance on his shirt was chocolate instead of poo...I've never been more happy to clean Whitman's Sampler off a child!
She left out the part where I was saying, "Oh no. Oh no. Oh no." I too assumed that the brown substance all over him was poop.
I don't even know the events that would have transpired to make him have poop all over the front of his shirt and nowhere else. I mean it looked like he wiped his rear (or the rear of someone much larger) with his shirt and I can't really see that happening but ... you never know.
Of course if it had been poop all over him, then I would have had to leave the house while Heather cleaned the mess.
I would be in the backyard - far away from the smell of poop that might touch me.
I think that's why Heather was hugging Ashton. Not because he's cute, but just because she was happy that she didn't have to clean up poop. By herself. Without me anywhere near.
Aaron you sound like Justin. He does not have a very strong stomach.
What would you have done if Heather was not there? Leave him in the poopy shirt? Hose him down outside? Put a clothes pin on your nose and close your eyes? Get Anson to help? Or call in reinforcements? Just curious.
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